Wednesday 1 February 2012

Mob Speech and how to avoid it.

     I have always been fascinated by the ideas of Northrop Frye, who is a world renowned scholar from Canada. He expresses many of his best ideas in the book "the Educated Imagination: Northrop Frye". One of his ideas is "Mob Speech" which he explained were the use of cliché terms in which people use to express themselves without the full apprehension of what is being said. an example of a cliché is; a thing to keep in mind is that mob speech is very quick to spread-- a type of cliché that could have been used here is "it spreads like wildfire" but it can easily be avoided by using a different selection of words

      People with a higher education try to avoid saying things like this because it becomes a habit and when you develop habits it is hard to stray from them. It is very useful to not use cliches while trying to teach a class especially the academics course as it makes you seem like you aren't the more intelligent person in the situation. If you refrain from using clichés you will be seen as a more intelligent person who has a more developed vocabulary. Clichés lower your use of language as they are very addictive, without clichés you will be easily able to express yourself in different ways

     Instead of my previous statement "it spreads like wildfire" you could say "It spread very quickly" or "it caught on with an enormous amount of speed". Would you not agree that both of these are more effective? Both of these statements seem to have more effect as the cliché term because they reflect your intellect better. The English language is very easy to manipulate into making yourself appear more intelligent. In this practise you are more likely to get a job as a teacher, as well as contain the respect of the classroom as a scholarly individual. I have had a great deal of teachers who were not able to control a class on the fact that they were unable to dominate the students on an intellectual basis.

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